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University of Canberra

University of Canberra Showcase

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1970 2024
1340 results
  • 2022 Federal Election Campaign Leaders' Transcripts and Statements
    This dataset comprises all media releases, speeches, opinion pieces, and transcripts of interviews and doorstops released by the leaders of the two major parties, Scott Morrison and Albanese, through their websites during the 2022 Federal Election Campaign. They are organised by date. The original websites have sense been deleted. The data also includes the topic groupings that the authors used to undertake their analysis of these materials.
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  • Community Sport Interviews
    Interviews conducted with community sport clubs relating to policy implementation and advocacy for community sport
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  • Does Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Enhance Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia?
    The present study aimed to investigate if EIH is enhanced by anodal tDCS over the motor cortex. It was hypothesised that an exercise task would produce a greater increase in pain thresholds when preceded by anodal tDCS compared to sham tDCS. An additional aim of this study was to assess the independent effect of tDCS on pain sensitivity. It was hypothesised that anodal tDCS would induce a significant decrease in pain sensitivity when compared to sham stimulation immediately after stimulation. The current study implemented a within-subjects, single-blinded, sham-controlled, randomised block design. Participants were required to attend the laboratory on three separate occasions; a familiarisation session and two experimental sessions corresponding to two different experimental conditions (anodal tDCS, sham tDCS). Study protocols followed those approved by the local human research ethics committee (Project ID: 11882). Each participant visited the laboratory on three separate occasions, with the two experimental conditions presented in a randomised order. Before each session, participants refrained from consuming caffeine or analgesic medications or engaging in vigorous exercise for at least 24 hours. All experimental protocols were conducted in the same temperature controlled (~ 23 ℃, 33% humidity) laboratory. All conditions were separated by at least two days to ensure recovery from the exercise task and to minimise carry-over effects of the stimulation.
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  • NVivo Community Sport Interviews
    Interviews conducted with community sport clubs relating to policy implementation and the potential for advocacy at community sport level
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  • tDCS, CSE, and Grip Strength Performance
    The present study aimed to extend the research of Pourmajidian et al. (2020) by investigating whether cathodal preconditioning enhances the effect of subsequent anodal tDCS on CSE and performance in a submaximal grip strength task. It was hypothesised that cathodal preconditioning would increase the effects of anodal tDCS on CSE when compared to conventional anodal tDCS and sham tDCS. Regarding exercise performance, it was hypothesised that cathodal preconditioning would increase the effect of subsequent anodal stimulation of the motor cortex on the time to exhaustion (TTE) in a submaximal isometric grip strength task beyond that seen after conventional anodal and sham tDCS. The current study implemented a within-subjects, single-blinded, sham-controlled, randomised block design. All experimental protocols were conducted in the same temperature controlled (~ 23 ℃, 33% humidity) laboratory. Participants were required to attend the laboratory on five separate occasions; a familiarisation session and four experimental sessions corresponding to four different experimental conditions (cathodal preconditioning, sham cathodal preconditioning, conventional, sham conventional). The study sample size, method and data analysies plan were pre-registered on Open Science Framework (OSF; The experimental protocol was approved by the local human research ethics committee (Project ID: 11882).
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  • An annotated bibliography showing 51 continuous centuries that recognize “democracy”’s definitional, conceptual, and practiced pluralism
    510 Years of acknowledgements, from multilinguistic literature, demonstrating that “democracy” means more than one thing and has been practiced in more than one place
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  • Truths and Tales: Understanding Online Fake News Networks in South Korea
    This study investigates the features of fake news networks and how they spread during the 2020 South Korean election. Using Actor-Network Theory (ANT), we assessed the network's central players and how they are connected. Results reveal the characteristics of the videoclips and channel networks responsible for the propagation of fake news. Analysis of the videoclip network reveals a high number of detected fake news videos and a high density of connections among users. Assessment of news videoclips on both actual and fake news networks reveals that the real news network is more concentrated. However, the scale of the network may play a role in these variations. Statistics for network centralization reveal that users are spread out over the network, pointing to its decentralized character. A closer look at the real and fake news networks inside videos and channels reveals similar trends. We find that the density of the real news videoclip network is higher than that of the fake news network, whereas the fake news channel networks are denser than their real news counterparts, which may indicate greater activity and interconnectedness in their transmission. We also found that fake news videoclips had more likes than real news videoclips, whereas real news videoclips had more dislikes than fake news videoclips. These findings strongly suggest that fake news videoclips are more accepted when people watch them on YouTube. In addition, we used semantic networks and automated content analysis to uncover common language patterns in fake news which helps us better understand the structure and dynamics of the networks involved in the dissemination of fake news. The findings reported here provide important insights on how fake news spread via social networks during the South Korean election of 2020. The results of this study have important implications for the campaign against fake news and ensuring factual coverage.
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  • eResearch Services Catalogue University of Canberra
    Resources on the six key areas of eResearch for researchers at the University of Canberra: (1) Data management planning (2) Data storage (3) Software and tools (4) High performance computing (HPC) (5) Training and events (6) eResearch Committee This material has been collated to allow the disemination of other inaccessible guidance materials for other tertiary institutions to use, alter, or for general guidance.
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  • FACTS Tool Data
    Contained within this .zip file are the datasets used to analyse the reliability of the FACTS tool.
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  • Data Management Planning Institutional Underpinnings Outputs at the University of Canberra
    This data set is a collection of materials used to integrate Research Data Management Planning into the University of Canberra (UC). This work was completed as part of the outputs for the (ARDC) Institutional Underpinnings (IU) Project in 2022: The aim of sharing these materials is to provide awareness and allow the reproduction of the outcomes of this project at other institutions. Below, we briefly describe two components of this project: (1) Integration and (2) Engagement: (1) Integrating a data management planning (DMP) tool (ReDBox) with UC's research manager (Pure) in accordance with new UC DMP Policy. We wanted a seamless workflow for researchers to create and develop a data management plan for new research projects. That is, an integrated system that is initiated when a project is awarded in Pure, spurring the creation of a ReDBox data management plan with fields pre-filled with information from the Pure project so that researchers do not need to re-fill the same information in different platforms. (2) Raise awareness of this integration and the benefits of DMP for researchers. We wanted to educate researchers on the aims of DMP (specifically risk-management and data governance) as well as how to engage with that at UC, i.e. using Pure and ReDBox for their research projects and associated data management. Please refer to the README contained in the Outputs folder for additional information, and the project page: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7655390. This project was one of 25 funded in the IU initative.
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