Data for: Identification of bacterial isolates from a public hospital in Australia using complexity-reduced genotyping

Published: 3 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kp3g7dkzwf.1
Berenice Talamantes-Becerra,
, Karina Kennedy, Michelle E. Gahan,


These compressed directories contain fastA files of complexity-reduced genotyping by sequencing data of bacterial isolates from a public hospital in Australia. Sequencing data of a total of 165 bacterial isolates are included in these data sets of the following species: Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter cloacae complex, Citrobacter freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Enterobacter asburiae, Escherichia coli, Morganella morganii, Citrobacter amalonaticus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, Hafnia alvei, Providencia rettgeri and Serratia marcescens. Additionally, this dataset includes sequencing results of genomic DNA of E. coli O157 (EDL 933) IRMM449 Sigma-Aldrich certified reference. All bacterial isolates were processed with the following combination of restriction enzymes: PstI with MseI, PstI with HpaII and MseI with HpaII. Some samples contain technical replicates and the certified reference contains six technical replicates. Each directory contains a Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File with bacterial isolate information, including an internal unique identity number (TargetID), the sample name (Genotype), material used for DNA extraction (Tissue), complexity-reduced genotyping method (Comment), and other details produced after sequencing (e.g. extract plate barcode, extract well, flowcell ID, flowcell lane). For a detailed description of how this data was obtained, please refer to the article "Identification of bacterial isolates from a public hospital in Australia using complexity-reduced genotyping (2019) Berenice Talamantes-Becerra, Jason Carling, Karina Kennedy, Michelle E. Gahan, Arthur Georges. Journal of Microbiological Methods, Volume 160, May 2019, Pages 11-19.



Canberra Hospital, Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd, University of Canberra


Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus, Bacterial Pathogen, Staphylococcus Aureus, Genotyping
