eResearch Services Catalogue University of Canberra

Published: 16 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fs2p6h8357.1
, Anesh Nair


Resources on the six key areas of eResearch for researchers at the University of Canberra: (1) Data management planning (2) Data storage (3) Software and tools (4) High performance computing (HPC) (5) Training and events (6) eResearch Committee This material has been collated to allow the disemination of other inaccessible guidance materials for other tertiary institutions to use, alter, or for general guidance.


Steps to reproduce

At the University of Canberra, the aim of updating the eResearch materials was to produce materials that provided succinct information and solutions for researchers that was also easily finable within the catalogue. Reproducing this at other institutions will require udnerstadning what tools, technologies and processes are required for researchers, and displaying these in a structured way for researchers to easily udnerstand what is required of them, and to accesss tools if required. Please see inside the document for specific details and screenshots on what the pages looked like. The slides provide a strrategic overview of the services, including those other than the catagloue, and were presented at the 2023 eResearch Australasia Confernce in Brisbane.


University of Canberra


DVC & VP-Research & Innovation


High Performance Computing, Data Management, Training, Cloud Storage, Data Services
